B2B portal for wholesale sales automation
WEBRA is a cloud-based B2B e-commerce platform for wholesale distributors, manufacturers, and suppliers.
5 key tasks solved
by using a B2B portal

Eliminates routine tasks for the sales department such as checking availability and prices by phone, coordinating orders, and exchanging documents
Saves up to 80% of time on order processing through automation and reduced approvals
Prevents errors and order losses
Gives real-time access to stock availability
Improves customer service quality and enhances client loyalty
After implementation,
your clients will be able to
Having a B2B portal is a strong competitive advantage that will increase your clients' loyalty.
Personalized access

New clients can register independently with subsequent moderation or be added via the admin panel. Ability to link multiple legal entities to a single client.
Product catalog and filters

The product catalog supports two display formats (list or grid), search with suggestions by code, SKU, and name, as well as filtering by properties, sections, and groups. Each product card includes specifications, photos, and a detailed description.
Available stock and reserves

This prevents errors and delays. Up-to-date information on product availability helps optimize purchasing and enhances logistics efficiency.
Individual pricing

The WEBRA platform allows flexible pricing configurations: from general discounts on the product range to complex algorithms where multiple factors influence the price.
Cart and checkout

The platform supports one-click order copying, importing products from an Excel file, quick item addition by SKU, and integration with transport and logistics systems. This streamlines the ordering process, making it as convenient as possible.
Orders and document flow

Complete order control: history and status updates, access to all transaction documents, information on outstanding debts and payment balances. Automatic notifications for managers and clients about new orders and changes.